Marketing Surveys

The No Purchase Survey: Different Types of Surveys to Boost Your Business Growth


Wouldn’t it be amazing if you could massively boost sales and at the same time discover how to improve your products and services for future conversions? 

The ‘No Purchase’ survey lets you do just that and in this article we’re going to explain how.

If you’ve been running a campaign for a while and you’ve come to the end of your sales sequence, you’re bound to have some people who still haven’t made a purchase.

The No Purchase survey is the perfect opportunity to find out why…

What Is The ‘No Purchase' Survey?

Every business runs their campaigns differently, but chances are the end goal is always the same.

You want to make more sales!

Of course, there will always be potential customers on your list who don't take the leap and make a purchase.

This is where the No Purchase survey comes in handy…

No Purchase Survey Type

You can use this survey to find out exactly why people didn't buy what you're selling.

The No Purchase survey can be an amazing business tool for you, telling you exactly what people think and how you can make your products more appealing in the future.

We've actually found that getting people to think about why they didn't make a purchase can actually trigger them to change their minds! Result!

The Best Time To Send The Survey

This really depends on how you would normally structure your email campaigns.

No Purchase Survey 24 Hours

You don't want to send your survey too soon after you sent your last email, otherwise your list might feel pestered.

On the other hand, you don't want to wait too long because then you're risking them forgetting about you.

We would recommend sending your No Purchase survey roughly 24 hours after you sent your last email out.

This way you and your brand are fresh in the mind of your target list, but you've also given them a nice little breather – phew, they'll be more likely to respond now!

What Should You Ask?

People could have many lots of different reasons for not making a purchase, maybe even some reasons that you haven't thought of!

So, it’s best to give people the opportunity to let you know in their own words.

This means using text answers instead of multiple choice where possible.

[bullet_block upload_icon=”” style=”size-16″ small_icon=”1.png” width=”” alignment=”center”]
  • What are you looking to achieve right now?
  • What is your current budget?
  • Which medium is best for you to learn?
  • How quickly do you need to master [topic]?
[/bullet_block] [bctt tweet=”The first step in exceeding your customer's expectations is to know those expectations. – Roy H. Williams” username=”ResponseSuite”]

What You Should Do With The Results

Tell me if I'm wrong, but I would suspect that your main business goal is to make more sales and more profits.

No Purchase Survey ResultsThe results of this survey will help you do just that!

Even though you're sending this survey out to people who didn't actually buy anything, the answers they give will be invaluable to you.

Depending on the answer your potential customer provides, you can send them straight to a relevant sales page as soon as they hit submit.

Clever huh?

These results will also tell you exactly what you need to do in the future to make more sales and reach that portion of your audience who haven't joined your customer base yet.

Use these results wisely – they could mean massive future conversions and customer satisfaction!

For more unconventional ways to use surveys to grow your business and make more money, take a look at the full article by clicking here.

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